Cosmic Collaborates with Angel Studios on Cabrini
Cosmic has partnered with Angel Studios to complete digital cinema mastering for Cabrini, in anticipation of the film's theatrical release on March 8. Set to exclusively screen in theaters beginning on International Women’s Day, Cabrini is based on the true story of Francesca Cabrini’s fight for the equality, health, and happiness of immigrant orphans.
The biographical drama, directed by Alejando Gómez Monteverde and written by Rod Barr, follows the challenges encountered by Catholic missionary Francesca Cabrini as she encounters opposition to her endeavors in New York City.

In the United States and Canada, Cabrini grossed $3.1 million its first day in theaters, ultimately grossing $7.6 million over the film’s opening weekend at the box office. A private screening was arranged for Cabrini University’s Alumni Weekend in September, before its scheduled release in the United Kingdom later in March.
Check out showtimes and get your tickets here.