COVID-19: How Cosmic Keeps the Cameras Rolling Safely


In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the health and safety of our cast and crew are a top priority at Cosmic Pictures. As we navigate this unpreceded time in the entertainment industry, Cosmic has produced a clear and extensive list of Production Physical and Safety Procedures designed to ensure the safety of all on set

Cosmic has a designated Safety Protocol Coordinator (SPC)  to guarantee appropriate protocols are being followed on set at all times. For example, two weeks prior to any production related travel, the SPC checks with government agencies to determine what restrictions currently in place for that particular location, completes a Safety Procedures Plan that outlines specific procedures to be followed for each location, and distributes it to all traveling personnel. While on set, the SPC makes it clear anyone who feels sick, or is exhibiting symptoms of sickness, should NOT come to set, and if they exhibit any symptoms while on set, will be immediately sent home.

In addition the SPC’s duties, other reoccurring procedures Cosmic has implemented include requiring all crew and to sign a COVID-19 Certification each day on set, which confirms they are not showing symptoms and have not come in contact with anyone who has had COVID-19 in the last two weeks. This also serves as an agreement that while on set, the individual will consistently use hand sanitizer, which will be made readily available to them, as well as practice appropriate social distancing. Along with signing the Certification, all crew and talent is required to have their temperature taken and recorded each production day- in event of a fever, that individual will be sent home immediately. All crew and talent is required to wear a face covering while not on camera, assuming this is the required or suggested protocol for that particular location. And finally, all craft service items and meals will be individually packaged and all equipment will be frequently wiped down throughout the day with sanitizing wipes.